Turnaround depends on what you are making and how many. Generally, we will ship 3 weeks from approved artwork.
If your order requires a rush, just ask about our rush services and we will see what we can do to make your order happen by your deadline!
Our minimum order quantity for new orders is 6 pieces. For fill in or re-orders it is 1 piece.
As all orders are custom made, we do not accept any returns. However, if you find anything wrong with your order due to manufacturing defects, we will gladly repair the item, or replace the order at our discretion. You must contact LabFit within 48 hours to address any issues you believe your order to have. We stand by our workmanship and quality on all items we produce
Currently we do not offer drop shipping. Orders will be packed per team order / bulk and shipped to 1 location. Please contact us for more information regarding shipping and/or quotes.